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How technology will evolve (2021-12-27) Tehnologie

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<div><div> <h3>How technology will evolve - <a href='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-16189748241249.mp3'> Asculta pe Audiocast.ro </a></h3> </div> <audio controls autoplay id='audio' style='width: 100%;'> <source src='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-16189748241249.mp3' type='audio/mp3' preload> </audio> </div>

In this podcast Elon musk told us how tachnology will transform our life in the future

Podcast How technology will evolve

It is posible to travel faste than now and safer? It is podible that future technology to help us to spend less time in traffic?

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