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Rules that makes you business succesfull (2021-12-27) Dezvoltare personala

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<div><div> <h3>Rules that makes you business succesfull - <a href='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-163014188992315.mp3'> Asculta pe Audiocast.ro </a></h3> </div> <audio controls autoplay id='audio' style='width: 100%;'> <source src='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-163014188992315.mp3' type='audio/mp3' preload> </audio> </div>

How to start a business, what is the correct ingridients?

Podcast Rules that makes you business succesfull

Steve Jobs tell us in this podcat what is the rules that you must respect if you want to start a business and that business do not fails. Must listen

Urmatorul Podcast: Podcast Maria se duce la hora-n satMaria se duce la hora-n sat
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