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The science of emotions (2021-12-27) Dezvoltare personala

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<div><div> <h3>The science of emotions - <a href='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-161874827352395.mp3'> Asculta pe Audiocast.ro </a></h3> </div> <audio controls autoplay id='audio' style='width: 100%;'> <source src='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-161874827352395.mp3' type='audio/mp3' preload> </audio> </div>

Jaak Panksepp explain us in this podcast the science behind the emotions.

Podcast The science of emotions

I like tihis podcast and i understood the poeple emotions. Jaak is a emotion teacher and he wiil open a new way to understood the emotion.

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Maria Foarte interesant acest podcast. Recomand sa-l ascultati!



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Adrian I understood much more about emotion after I listen the podcast. Thanks!



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