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Understanding human mind (2021-12-27) Educatie

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<div><div> <h3>Understanding human mind - <a href='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-161932174659366.mp3'> Asculta pe Audiocast.ro </a></h3> </div> <audio controls autoplay id='audio' style='width: 100%;'> <source src='https://audiocast.ro/fispodcast/27-161932174659366.mp3' type='audio/mp3' preload> </audio> </div>

Podcast about human mind eith Sadhguru. In yoga mind is an organ, body, like liver and hard. it is not special.

Podcast Understanding human mind

In yoga mind it is not different like other organs, in occidental culture mind is something special because everything is intellectual. If you understood yoga aproach you you understood the world.

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